2013 US National Parks Tour Overview

2013 US National Parks Tour Overview

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Whale Watching

Our final day in San Diego was spent whale watching.  We happened to pick the week that the California Gray Whale migrates, so our chances of spotting a whale were very, very high.  Pushing out of the San Diego Harbor, we could see the USS Midway again as well as the Point Loma naval base, the USS Carl Vinson, and one of two submarine repair stations in all of the USA.

On our way we ran into some dolphins and seals, but about 40 min, we say our first gray whale and followed him for a bit until there was a report of a pod of 3 whales and some dolphins playing around them.

We were successful in spotting the 3 whales and followed them for awhile until we had to turn around due to the time.

On our way back, we did see one of the clipper ships you can get a cruise on taking off and sailing.  Quite a beauty. 

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