2013 US National Parks Tour Overview

2013 US National Parks Tour Overview

Friday, May 24, 2013

And the Winner of the Travel Totem Contest Is...

...A and B!

That's right, we win!  We were feeling the love at our going away party last night and are really grateful for the amazing Travel Totems presented for our consideration.  Timber Jim, Chibo, Greenie, Piggy and Paul the blue penguin made an early appearance.  After they were joined by a head massager and Purple Elephant, the decision making just got even harder to make. 

And they say Pig and Elephant DNA just don't mix!
Chibo doesn't want to be left behind!

So we decided that we would take all our little friends along!  Those of you who brought us totems, keep an eye on the blog and watch for your friend in our photos!  Thanks again, friends.
We love all our little friends!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing photos of you both with all your little friends. :)
